Reishi Gano (RG) adalah sejenis pati cendawan (Ganoderma Lucidum) yang mengandungi polisakarida, adenosin, triterpenoids, protein dan serat. Ganoderma Lucidum yang digunakan adalah cendawan merah yang berusia 90 hari. Pengambilan harian RG boleh membantu memelihara kesihatan secara menyeluruh.
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In this newer form, RG and GL Powder can result in quick absorption into the body and help to speed up the healing process. Taking RG and GL powder with DXN Aquazeon Energy Water can increase absorption of RG and GL into the blood stream at a higher rate.
RG Powder 15g/bottle - WM RM 47.50 / EM RM 48.00
GL Powder 30g/bottle - WM RM 32.00 / EM RM 32.50
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